When was the last time you became so immersed in doing something that you lost all track of time, and what were you doing?

Children are the masters of losing track of time because it has little or no meaning to them. However, as adults we tie ourselves to our clocks so that everything can be ‘according to schedule.’

I challenge you this weekend to think about doing an activity that you like to do and then making a plan to do it without setting a time limit for the activity. I know, I can hear you now. But Raj, I have kids, I have a spouse, I have a job, I have a life…Yes I know and understand you do, because I do too. If you go back to the beginning of the paragraph you’ll notice I said think about it and make a plan, not leave everything behind and do it tomorrow. Although, if circumstances do allow then please do so. By the way, those of you thinking about sleep as an activity, no it doesn’t count.

Finding an activity that you love to the extent that you forget about time will tell you a lot about who you are and perhaps where you should be spending more of your life.