If you’ve read any legal document or purchase agreement carefully then I’m sure you’re familiar with the phrase “Terms and conditions are subject to change.”

The reason for this phrase is that companies know that decisions they make are based on old information and they might need to change their business as they come across new information.

So, are you subject to change too? Or do you continue to base all your future decisions on old information regardless of all the new information you come across.  One way to tell is if find yourself using phrases such as:

This is just who I am.

I can’t see it any other way or can’t do that.

I always do it this way.

I’ve never.

I don’t.

This is how things are or just how it is.

All of these statements are based in a point in time when your experience, education and logic came together to give you a reason for behaving in certain manner. But, what if the information you had relied on was wrong? And you’ve continued to use it to decide who you are today? The next time you find yourself saying or thinking one of the phrases, stop and ask yourself if  you’re ‘subject to change.’