What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. Ralph Marston

What will you do today?

I know that it’s a broad and vague question and that you’ll do many things today. So let me be a little more specific, what will you commit to doing today? And perhaps even more important what will you commit to not doing today? If these questions still seem a little difficult to answer then let me lead you with some suggestions.

Today I will commit to only focusing on that which I can control.

Today I will commit to re-enforcing my love for those that are important to me.

Today I will commit to my health and vitality.

Today I will commit to forgiving myself and others for any and all transgressions.

Today I will commit to revisiting my dreams.

Today I will commit to asking myself what is important to me?

Today I will commit to showing grace to all that I interact with.

Today I will commit to…now add your own commitments.

Remember for every commitment you make, you’re committing to not doing the inverse. So for example, if you commit to health and vitality, then doubling down on dessert is out of the question.

Now make a list of your own commitments and live by them as best as you can just for today. Yes, there is a chance you’ll be tested and might even stray a little, but that’s okay, just remind yourself to come back to them when you do. Committing to a list of commitments might seem a little daunting at first, but think of it this way; it’s only for one day. And if you find it doesn’t work for you, you can always go back to doing the opposite tomorrow.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.