All our knowledge begins with the senses, proceeds then to the understanding, and ends with reason. There is nothing higher than reason. Immanuel Kant

You hear, but do you take time to listen?

You look, but do you take time to see?

You touch, but do you take time to feel?

You eat, but do you take time to taste?

Your senses connect you to the world and allow you to know and understand all that is going on around you.

Like most people, you probably take your senses for granted. And that’s understandable.

But what if, just once in a while, you stopped to appreciate them?

All the information you consume is sent to your brain through one or a combination of senses, and it’s only then that your brain can make decisions about what is best for you.

You can briefly focus on your senses by doing a quick sensory audit.

Go through each of your senses and, just for a moment, pay attention and experience each one.

Doing so will increase your awareness of your surroundings and allow you to be more present in what you’re doing.

Occasionally, grounding yourself through your senses is a beautiful exercise, almost like a brief reset in your day.

Your senses are your keys to the world.

Give them some attention and experience what they might unlock for you.