What Is Work For?

If you find a job you love, you’ll never work again. Winston Churchill

What is work for?

Why do you work?

Is it to provide the basic needs and necessities for you and perhaps even your loved ones because that’s what work used to be for?

Or is work for accumulating possessions?

Would you work if you weren’t being paid?

Sound ridiculous?

I agree.

So, allow me to tweak the question slightly.

What would you like to do and get paid for it?

Think of two concentric circles. One is your interest, and the second is compensation – where they overlap is where you get paid.

Before I continue, I want to acknowledge that I know I’m painting with a broad brush and that there are people that are victims of circumstances and cannot, and for whatever reason, are tied to work they would never willingly choose.

Why am I asking you to think about work? Because data shows that the average person will spend one-third of their life working. Now your initial reaction might be one third is no big deal because simple math tells you that leaves you with two-thirds for yourself. I apologize in advance; you also need to know that the average person spends one-third of their life sleeping. That’s two-thirds of life gone between working and sleeping. The final third of life is the bookend hours between work and sleep.

You can’t do much about the sleeping part of life because it’s required for survival. Sure, you can cut a few hours here and there, but remove too many, and you’ll pay the price with poor health.

But when it comes to working, you have more choices.

You can find work that allows you to express your interests, but it takes effort to do so. The first obvious step is to do some soul searching to uncover what motivates you or said differently, what you might do for free. And then, find a way to get compensated for doing work you love.

I know there’s a massive elephant in the room about being compensated for doing what you love and sacrifices that might need to be made between material desires and personal fulfillment. But my hope is that over the course of your life, you’re able to find employment that allows you to express your interests and be compensated for work that inspires you.

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Invisible Forces

One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up instead of what they have to gain. Rick Godwin

Why is it so difficult to change?

Are there some magical invisible forces acting against you?

Unfortunately, forces are acting against you, and yes, quite often, you can’t see them. But if you take some time to investigate, then you can identify them.

There is an equation to change, and it’s that when you consider making any change, there will be forces in favor and forces against making that change. And it’s your job to identify what those forces are.

The key to making lasting, successful change is making the forces in favor of change greater than those against the change. While this might sound straightforward, how do you go about doing so?

Good question.

Here’s one suggestion. Call on the spirit of Ben Franklin.

Why Ben Franklin?

Because Ben Franklin, although I’m pretty sure wasn’t the first person to do so, was known for making a list of pros and cons for making decisions. Essentially, he made a process of identifying the forces, or reasons, for or against change.

The process of evaluating pros and cons is simple and yet powerful. All you need to do is get a piece of paper and draw two columns: label one column pros and the other cons. And then start identifying the reasons for and against the change. Make your list as exhaustive as possible and if need be, seek additional advice or help.

Making a list of pros and cons shines a light on the forces for and against the change you’re thinking about making and allows you to ask yourself whether it’s worth your effort to exert the necessary energy needed to change.

So, the next time you’re considering implementing a change in your life, don’t forget about the invisible forces working to keep you where you are. Evaluate your current state versus the change you’re thinking about adopting. And if you decide to move forward, then – please forgive the Star Wars sounding advice – may your force be stronger than the ones acting against you.

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Every artist was first an amateur.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

When was the last time you felt like an amateur?

Hopefully, you remember the once upon a time feeling of being a beginner, fumbling and stumbling through a project or new hobby.

How long has it been since you felt that way?

If you can’t remember, then it’s been too long.

Unfortunately, the word amateur has taken on a negative context, as someone that’s not good at a particular activity. But one of the word’s original meanings refers to one who does something for the love of it.

So, let me rephrase my question.

When was the last time you did something for the love of it?

Not to earn an income, not impress anyone, but simply because you felt drawn to it.

Giving yourself the freedom to be or feel like an amateur requires both a childish and mature mindset. Childish because if you watch a child drawing or playing, you’ll soon notice that they don’t care what you think. They’re all out and involved in whatever they’re doing. And mature, because there comes a time in a person’s life when they too realize that what people think of them is no longer as important as they once thought it was.

It’s usually the messy middle between adolescence and mid-life adulthood where the idea of looking good and competent quashes the idea of being or looking like an amateur. But the desire to look good or professional also prevents you from trying something new or different. It stops you from doing something for the love of it.

So, the next time you feel yourself being drawn towards something for the love of it, see if you can refrain from falling into the trap of trying to look good and adopt a childlike or mature adult approach. Leave the looking good to the professional adults and enjoy the freedom of being an amateur.

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Fit In or Stand Out

When you become tired of fitting in, is when you truly become yourself. Ric Ocasek

Do you want to fit in or stand out?

You must choose because you can’t do both.

Fitting in and standing out are two separate paths that require very different kinds of thinking and actions.

To be clear, neither is right or wrong, and they both come with their own set of opportunities and challenges.

If fitting in is your thing, then playing it safe is your game. Coloring between the lines, doing what you’re told to do, essentially not making any waves, complying to and with the status quo. There’s a sense of security that comes with fitting in, and that’s why most people choose this path.

However, if you want to stand out, then the first thing you should prepare for is rejection. This might sound a little harsh, but it’s because those whose thoughts and actions rock the boat and challenge the status quo are often rejected by those that are comfortable with the current system.

Now I know I said you couldn’t do both, but maybe I was exaggerating a little. What you can do is be situationally aware and decide when to stand out appropriately. Because if all you do is rebel, you’ll quickly find yourself locked up in a room by yourself. One of the ways to be situationally aware is learning to be chameleon-like, adapting to your environment, and then looking for opportunities to stand out if you choose to do so. Of course, do keep in mind and calculate the inherent risks associated with standing out.

So, while I don’t want to recommend which path you should take, I do want you to know that if you want to experience any autonomy over your own life, then you’ll need to be non-compliant and stand out. There will be the risk of rejection when you do so, but the reward of being your own person well outweighs the risks.

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Willing to Change?

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change. ― Jim Rohn

Are you willing to change?

Change for what?

Good question.

Are you willing to change to improve any area of your life that you believe needs improving?

If not, then you can stop reading right here and continue with your day.

But, if you are willing to change, then I have another question for you. And It’s a question that is often overlooked by people that are willing to change.

The question is, for how long?

What do I mean when I ask, for how long?

You see, it’s easy to change for a day, week, or in some cases even a year, but permanent change requires consistency and diligence.

When you work to change a part of who you are, essentially, you’re paving over an old part of you, but that character or personality trait that you’re covering or changing doesn’t quietly go away. It’s still there buried beneath the change. And every once in a while, like a weed that emerges through a crack in a sidewalk, it too tries to push itself back into your life.

You’ll find these weeds appearing when you’re most vulnerable. When you’re tired or frustrated is their opportunity to reappear, and that’s when you’ll need to call on your diligence and recommit to keeping them in their place.

And that’s why I asked, for how long are you willing to change? Because if you haven’t considered a long-term commitment to change, and don’t have a plan, then you’ll fall victim, when your old behavior patterns re-emerge.

So, the next time you think about implementing a change in your life, think about for how long you want that change to last. If it’s a permanent or long-term change, then plan for how you’ll deal with your old behavior, not if, but when it reappears. Because if you don’t, then soon enough, you’ll find yourself back to being the version of you that wanted to change.

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What Do You Want to Be?

The trick is growing up without growing old. Casey Stengel

What do you want to be when you grow up?

It’s a question asked to children all over the world. But in my mind, it’s a question that adults should also be asked.

Today is July 22, 2020, and there are two men, one aged 74 and the other 77 competing to be the President of the United States. The country that is, at least for now, considered to be the most powerful in the world. And no, I’m not here to debate by which measures it’s considered the most powerful.

Let that sink in for a moment.

At 74 and 77 most men and women, especially in the Western world would consider themselves over the hill or thinking about some form of retirement or taking it easy. And here these men are vying for what some might argue to be one of the most challenging jobs in the world. It is to some extent obvious that they’re still thinking about what they want to be when they grow up.

Now I don’t know how old you’ll be when you read this, but whatever your age, I hope that somewhere inside of you there’s still a spark that allows you to ask yourself, what do I want to be when I grow up?

You might think it’s too late to become or engage in certain careers, and you might be right due to physical limitations or other barriers, but you can still participate on the periphery. You can still get involved in groups or organizations that nurture the spark inside of you and once you do, you’ll begin to see all kinds of opportunities open up for you.

So, no matter how far along you are in life, keep asking yourself the question, and if you already are what you want to be, then good for you. But if you’re not, then don’t think for a moment that you’re stuck being what you are today. Technically, if you’re alive, you’re still growing up.

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Where To?

If you don't know exactly where you're going, how will you know when you get there?  Steve Maraboli

Where do I go from here?

What an important and beautiful question.

It’s an important question because it almost forces you to have a destination in mind. Just imagine how ridiculous it would be to expect directions from a GPS unit without first inputting a destination. Sure it might be able to let you know where you are, but it would be useless in telling you where to go.

The beauty of the question lies in its simplicity. If you asked yourself the question a few times throughout your day it will help you stay close to on track towards your desires and goals.

Now unlike a GPS, the question will not be able to predict an arrival time for you because the question cannot calibrate the speed at which you travel or the challenges that you’ll encounter on the way to your desired outcome. But sometimes staying on track and achieving outcomes is more important than accomplishing things within a pre-determined time frame.

If you get in the habit of starting your day with the question it will bring clarity and intentionality to your actions. So set your long and short term destinations and use the question to guide you on your journey.

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 “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” Marcus Aurelius

What if instead of seeking balance in your life you look for harmony instead?

When you picture balance you see two opposing forces acting against each other clearly separated by a point. Life rarely works that way.

With balance you have to compartmentalize, which is very difficult, actually, it’s almost impossible because it goes against nature. You yourself, a product of nature are not balanced but exist in harmony.

So how do you accept harmony instead of balance?

The most important step is to realize or admit that you cannot carve out separate parts of your mind for certain situations. All your thoughts and subsequent actions are influenced by your entire life experience. For example, what this means is that when you show up for school or work, the events that happen at home or in your relationships will affect how you behave and vice versa. There is no, leaving certain parts of you behind.

So instead of trying to balance, learn to embrace harmony. Stop trying to be a different person for every situation, it’s exhausting and can cause you to resent not being able to be yourself.

It might take some time for you to get used to being your entire self wherever you go but eventually, you’ll learn to appreciate not having to compartmentalize yourself.  And the best part of living in harmony is that the sooner do, the less you’ll struggle to find the ever-elusive balance in your life.

Customized Life

What do the following things have in common?

Customized clothing.

Customized jewelry.

Customized home.

If you said or thought that they command a higher price then you’re correct.

But why do they cost more?

What’s the additional value behind a customized item?

The reason a customized item commands a higher price and has added value is that it’s made specifically for your individual preferences. Customizing takes additional time, attention to detail and requires advance planning.

What if you adopted the idea of customization and applied it to your life?

What if you took just a little additional time to pay attention to the details of your life and added some advance planning?

Maybe the result would be a customized life. A life designed to bring additional value to you.

How much time and effort would it take to customize your life?

The short answer and unsatisfying answer is, it depends. It depends because life circumstances are unique to all individuals. But that doesn’t mean you should lose hope.

If you really want a life that tailored to your desires and dreams then consider spending time thinking about what’s important to you and then planning your time to customize your days. While there’s no guarantee that time spent planning will result in you living the life you want, it does significantly increase the odds in your favor.

So spend some time and start customizing your life today. Invest the time and effort in planning your days and years. The reality is that if after spending time planning and customizing your life doesn’t yield results you’re seeking, then you can always go back living a regular, off the rack, unplanned life.

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Are you familiar with pronoia?

If you’re like most people then you’ve probably never heard of it. However, I’m quite sure that you’ve heard of its sibling paranoia.

One of the definitions of paranoia is that it’s a thought process that causes you to have an irrational suspicion or mistrust of others. Essentially you go through life thinking that people and in some cases situations are against you or out to get you. If you ask me, being paranoid sounds like a terrible way to live.

Pronoia, on the other hand, is just the opposite. The definition of pronoia is the positive counterpart of paranoia. It is the delusion that others think well of one. Actions and the products of one’s efforts are thought to be well received and praised by others. A person experiencing pronoia feels that the world around them conspires to do them good. I don’t know about you, but just reading that makes me feel good.

Now I’m not advocating that you go through life with a quixotic viewpoint thinking that you’ll never experience any challenges or obstacles. What I am suggesting is that you adopt an attitude and perspective that people and situations are collaborating to work on your behalf and not against you.

You’ve probably heard the old adage, you’ll see it when you believe it, so here’s a great opportunity to give it a shot. Experiment with pronoia for a few days and see how you feel. If at the end of the experiment you don’t feel any different then you always can go back to your status quo, but if you do then you might make space for the other sibling to move in.   

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When was the last time you were really confused?

If it’s been a while then you’re not adventuring enough.

I know this might sound a little odd at first but stay with me and I’ll explain.

You see, confusion is a beautiful thing.

If you’re confused right now or your mind is already pushing back then we’re on the right track.

I can feel that right now I’m knocking on the door of your sense of how the world should be.


I’ll tell you why.

Somewhere deep down you believe that life should be neat and organized. That you should already know everything and that being confused is a sign of weakness. But that’s far from the truth.

When you’re confused, you’re standing at the edge of an opportunity for growth. Now you might not enjoy the feeling of danger that comes with the territory of being confused, but that’s because it’s challenging your sense of who you are. At its core, confusion is caused by uncertainty.

So if confusion is an opportunity, how do you manage it so that it benefits you?

Well, you can start by asking yourself questions.

A great question to begin with, is to ask yourself, should I already know how to do this? If you’re encountering a new question or situation, one that you’ve never experienced before, then there’s a high likelihood that you’ll experience some confusion, this is your opportunity for growth. And if it’s a question or situation you’ve experienced before that’s causing you confusion, then that means you didn’t really learn it the first time around, and so now you’re presented with another opportunity to learn.

When you encounter confusion, learn to use it as a tool, make it one of your superpowers. Be the one to embrace situations filled with uncertainty, because deep down you know that all confusion is, is an opportunity to learn and grow.

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When was the last time you allowed yourself to spend time daydreaming?

Hopefully, it wasn’t too long ago.

Daydreaming has often been relegated to a childish activity, but only by adults who have lost or perhaps forgotten the magic that can occur while daydreaming.

Adults have a tendency to think wandering minds are bad or inefficient, but this is far from the truth. Numerous studies have shown that daydreaming can actually be a sign of an efficient or even intellectual mind. A brain that can process a task quickly will do so and wait for the next task, but if not presented with one might then wander and think about something completely different. And many times, during this wandering is when ideas are born.

If you need further convincing then you might like to know that some of the most important artistic, business and scientific breakthroughs ever made by people like Einstein and many others came about because they allowed their minds to wander.

Daydreaming or giving your mind a break from immediate tasks at hand allows it not only to rest, but also the opportunity to stitch together disparate thoughts and concepts that you might not otherwise do during intense task-oriented thinking.

So the next time you find yourself stuck on a task or between things on your to-do list, instead of moving on to the immediate next thing, give yourself the permission to daydream. Tap into your inner child and let your mind wander. You might just surprise yourself with the creative or inspirational ideas it’ll come back with once it’s done wandering.

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Good Deed

What good deed are you going to do today?

If you haven’t thought of one then now might be a good time to do so.

Just imagine for a moment what the world would look like if all seven billion people committed to doing one good deed a day. Just thinking about it makes me smile.

Your good deed doesn’t have to be something elaborate or time-consuming; sometimes the simplest of acts can mean so much.

Maybe you hold the door open for a person that’s in a hurry, you pick up a piece of litter, or you say some words of encouragement to someone that you think might need to hear them. Whatever good deed you do is totally up to you, just do one.

Yes, I know and understand that your schedule might be full and you might be pressed for time, so I suggest setting a daily reminder for your good deed. You can put it on your calendar, or just write it on a sticky note and put it in a place where you see it on a daily basis.

Engaging in a daily good deed practice might seem trivial, but sometimes the smallest actions have the biggest impact. And just think for a moment how you would feel if everyday someone did a good deed for you. Doesn’t that sound like a world you’d like to live in?

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"Big things have small beginnings." -Lawrence of Arabia

Do you want to be healthy?

Can you do one pushup or jumping jack?

If yes, do it now,

Yes, right now.

If you can and you don’t then there’s a high likelihood that you won’t, not because you can’t, but you don’t really want too.

Do you want to improve your finances?

Put a dollar into a savings account right now.

That’s right, stop reading and do it right now.

Did you do it?

If you can and you don’t, then…

Yes, you’ve heard it before.

Think about all the things can you do and you don’t, and it’s not because you can’t.

Would you like to improve your relationships?

Call, text, or just tell someone how you feel about them.

Do it right now.

Don’t wait.

Do whatever you can do right now that will move you one step closer to the life you want for yourself.

Don’t worry; this blog post will still be here when you get back. And you will have made progress in your life, so I’m okay even if don’t finish reading it.

If you’re still reading then maybe it’s time to get honest with yourself.

After you’re done reading take out a sheet of paper and draw four columns

In the first column make a list of all the things you think you want to do.  Now label the other three columns, can, can’t, won’t.  Next, read your list and put checkmarks in the appropriate columns.

Here’s where the being honest with yourself really kicks in.

For example, if you really want to improve your health, and you have the ability (can) to take action right now, but you don’t, then put a checkmark in the won’t column and then ask yourself, why not?

What’s holding you back?

If you have the ability, and you don’t take action, well that means that you might really not want to. This might sound a little harsh at first, but it’s not meant to. You see the majority of people have the ability to take at least the smallest action towards whatever it is they think they want out of life, and they think that they’ll take that step later, but they don’t.

What they don’t realize is that there’s something magical about immediate action. The first action or step builds confidence and provides momentum.

Why is momentum so important?

Because it moves you out of your current state. It breaks the inertia, aka a tendency to do nothing or to remain unchanged.

So if you’re still reading and haven’t done that pushup yet, or told someone how you feel about them please do it now. Get out of the won’t column, leverage momentum and start taking small steps towards the life you want.

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What It Takes

Do I have what it takes?

Ask yourself this question and answer it honestly.

If you’re wondering, what it takes for what? Or, it depends then you’re thinking, which is a good sign.

Asking yourself if you have what it takes enables you to set a baseline for yourself. The moment you decide to embark on an endeavor or personal journey, you should begin by taking a personal inventory and the ‘what it takes aka WIT’ question is a great place to start.

If your answer to your WIT question is a resounding yes, then good for you, you can now move forward with confidence. Although I must warn you that if you really are on a new personal journey then rarely do you already have what it takes, because the nature of something being new is that you’ve never experienced it before. Now I’m a big fan of a healthy dose of optimism, but must warn you that things can get a little messy when optimism and reality meet, especially if you’re not prepared.

If your answer to the WIT question is no, then good for you too, in fact, it’s almost better than a yes.

Why is it better?

Because now you’re almost forced to take a personal inventory and in doing so you can begin to acquire the skills and talents that you’re missing. During the process of working on yourself you’ll begin to gain more confidence in your ability to accomplish whatever it is you set out to do. Sprinkle in a little optimism and you’re almost unstoppable.

Now I’m not suggesting that you have to be one hundred percent ready before you move forward on any new endeavor, because that will never be the case and can lead to what’s known as analysis paralysis. What I am saying is just start by asking the WIT question, and begin to work on what you need, because the act of doing so will in itself move you along your journey.

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Standing Ovation

“The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” – William James

When was the last time you received a standing ovation?

If you can’t remember then it’s been too long.

Take a pause from reading right here and give yourself a standing ovation.

Here, I’ll join you.

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, and clap.

How did that feel?

Feeling appreciated is a lovely feeling and occasionally, instead of waiting for others to appreciate you, you can take a moment to appreciate yourself.

And why shouldn’t you?

You’re the one working your way through the ups and downs of daily living and only you know the experiences you’re feeling, so you deserve to be appreciated.

Now the thought of stopping to appreciate yourself might seem a little awkward at first and it’s because you’re not used to doing so. But that feeling will subside once you develop the habit of self-appreciation.

If you’re still struggling with the idea of appreciating yourself, then perhaps it’s an opportunity for some introspection. And if you can’t or don’t appreciate yourself, how do you really expect others to appreciate you?

Appreciating yourself is nothing to do with being the best or an act to inflate your ego, it’s just about showing a moment of gratitude for yourself.

So as you go through your days and you appreciate or say thank you to those you interact with, say the occasional thank you to yourself too. Believe me when I say you’re worth it.

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Having It All

What is important in life is life, and not the result of life. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Imagine for a moment that you have in your possession every object, relationship and life accoutrement that you’ve ever wanted.

How would your life look and feel?

What would you do next?

If all of your worldly desires were already fulfilled, what would you be motivated to do?

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but I’ll reiterate just in case you’ve forgotten. The real flavor of life is found in the pursuit of your desires. Yes, eventually holding or experiencing the object or person you covet does deliver a temporary pleasure, but the real stories live in the experiences that you encounter on your journey to your goal.

You might beg to differ, and understandably so, because there can be or should I say will be times when the journey just feels too difficult, and your efforts don’t seem to be fairly rewarded, but the reality is, who are we to judge what is fair or not?

History books are filled with individuals that seemed to have had it all, yet lived lives of misery, especially those that were born with the proverbial ‘silver spoon.’ In fact, it seems as though those with the silver spoon experienced some of the hardest lives because their every need and wants were satisfied and their ‘privileged’ positions made them less resilient to life.

Having it all is fleeting. There’s a point in time that can vary from a minute to days during which you’ll experience the pleasure of your desired object or pleasure, but then that becomes your new normal and the pleasure you felt dissolves like cotton candy on your tongue.

Hopefully, you realize that having everything you’ve ever wanted might not be as wonderful as it sounds, and that the real pleasure and treasure are buried in the experiences you’ll have, and the person you become on the way to fulfilling your desires.

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Continue or Not?

You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can’t, you do the next best thing. You back up but you don’t give up.  ―Chuck Yeager

Do something.

See nothing.

Do something.

See nothing.

Do something.

See nothing.

Do something.

See something.

Very often when you’re working on a personal goal or even a business project you’ll feel as though your efforts are in vain because you’re not seeing any results. And the truth is that at times your results might not be visible. But if you remember, in your fifth-grade science class you learned Newton’s third law -for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So the only way your actions will not result in reactions is if your actions defy the laws of physics.

In the business world, the common names for the period of struggle where progress feels to have stalled are the dip, the trough of despair, disillusionment or sorrow, also the period of resistance.

It’s when you’re going through any one of these phases that the thought of giving up challenges your spirit every day. And just to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with giving up. The best business people and military strategists will tell you that knowing when to quit is half the battle. But just because you give up doesn’t mean that your actions did not yield results, it’s just that they were not the results you were hoping for in the time frame of your needs, wants and/or expectations.

So, if there’s a goal or an endeavor you’re pursuing and you’re not yet seeing the results you need, want or expect then you have to decide whether to continue or not. But know this, the act and feeling of doing something and seeing nothing will be with you in whatever you pursue, and my guess is that the last thing you want to remember yourself as is the person that gave up on everything, because each time you tried something and saw nothing, you quit and walked away.

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The Golden Rule

How often do you practice the golden rule?

If you’ve forgotten what it is then here’s a reminder. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Sounds simple enough.

But what if I changed it just a little?

What if it said, do unto others as you would have them do unto you and/or your loved ones.

What if the consequences for every good or bad action or thought you had towards another person would now affect not only you, but those you love too?

This change might seem subtle at first, but once you begin to think about it, you’ll quickly come to the conclusion that the repercussions of your actions will continue to travel on for countless generations.

Being or feeling responsible for your own actions is something that you’re probably already used to. But when you begin to realize that there’s a good chance that those you love will also be held responsible for your thoughts and actions then, well the reality is then what?

Do you now change how you act and think towards others?

I can’t help you answer that.

That’s a question you have to wrestle with by yourself.

However, if you ask my opinion I would say that when you hear the word ‘you,’ don’t think of it as you the individual, think of it as ‘you’ the collective. You are you and you are everyone.

This might seem a little difficult at first, but even if you just look at it from a purely biological perspective then you are the accumulation of all your ancestors to date and you are the starting point for all those that will come after you.

So as you go through your day today, think about the golden rule. And as you’re acting and doing towards others, keep in mind that someone you love dearly might be the recipient of your actions and intentions.

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Message from Life


I’m life.

This is not the first time we’ve met, or the first time I’ve spoken to you, but it is the first time I’m writing to you.

I’m here to put a stop to some ugly rumors.

Apparently there’s a rumor out there that I get in the way.

You may have heard it said, or you might have even uttered the words yourself, something along the lines of ‘life gets or got in the way.’

Well, I’m here to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth.

How could it be true?

I’m the one that gets you wherever you want to go, to do whatever you want to do.

If it wasn’t for me, there would be no you.

I’m your biggest fan, and I kinda hoped you’d be my biggest fan too.

I would never get in your way.

I’ve been holding back all these years because I love you. But today, right now, I have to tell you the truth, just so that we can set the facts straight once and for all.

I don’t get in your way.

You get in your way.

Now I’m not telling you this to hurt your feelings, or to protect my reputation. I’m telling you this because it’s about time you knew the truth.

I’m sorry if you think I’m being too hard on you, and maybe I am, but it’s because I really do love you. I am your friend, your partner, your one and only constant companion on this journey. And since we’re bound together, why don’t we make the most of it.

Let’s make a deal.

When you decide that you want to accomplish something, I will support you with as much energy and strength as you need in order for you to achieve what you want to. I promise to always have your back.

And here’s your side of the deal.

If you decide mid-journey that you no longer want to pursue something you were after, please don’t blame me. Step up and say the words, I decided it’s not what I wanted. This phrase removes the blame from me and places the responsibility back in your hands.

You see, it’s okay for you to change your mind, but when you place the blame on me, well then you’ve done both of us a disservice.

So do we have a deal?

I hope so, because I’m excited to see what we can do together.

Love you forever,


P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.