What good deed are you going to do today?

If you haven’t thought of one then now might be a good time to do so.

Just imagine for a moment what the world would look like if all seven billion people committed to doing one good deed a day. Just thinking about it makes me smile.

Your good deed doesn’t have to be something elaborate or time-consuming; sometimes the simplest of acts can mean so much.

Maybe you hold the door open for a person that’s in a hurry, you pick up a piece of litter, or you say some words of encouragement to someone that you think might need to hear them. Whatever good deed you do is totally up to you, just do one.

Yes, I know and understand that your schedule might be full and you might be pressed for time, so I suggest setting a daily reminder for your good deed. You can put it on your calendar, or just write it on a sticky note and put it in a place where you see it on a daily basis.

Engaging in a daily good deed practice might seem trivial, but sometimes the smallest actions have the biggest impact. And just think for a moment how you would feel if everyday someone did a good deed for you. Doesn’t that sound like a world you’d like to live in?

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.