If you don't know exactly where you're going, how will you know when you get there?  Steve Maraboli

Where do I go from here?

What an important and beautiful question.

It’s an important question because it almost forces you to have a destination in mind. Just imagine how ridiculous it would be to expect directions from a GPS unit without first inputting a destination. Sure it might be able to let you know where you are, but it would be useless in telling you where to go.

The beauty of the question lies in its simplicity. If you asked yourself the question a few times throughout your day it will help you stay close to on track towards your desires and goals.

Now unlike a GPS, the question will not be able to predict an arrival time for you because the question cannot calibrate the speed at which you travel or the challenges that you’ll encounter on the way to your desired outcome. But sometimes staying on track and achieving outcomes is more important than accomplishing things within a pre-determined time frame.

If you get in the habit of starting your day with the question it will bring clarity and intentionality to your actions. So set your long and short term destinations and use the question to guide you on your journey.

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