We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same. – Anne Frank

Look around you.

They’re all just like you.

Yes, colors, shapes, sizes and even gender might be different, but deep down they’re all just like you.

Their concerns and fears.

Their needs and wants.

Their desires and discomforts.

Their insecurities.

Almost all are similar to yours.

Even the ones you put on a pedestal.

The ones you think are better than you.

The ones you disdain.

The ones you think you’re better than.

They’re just like you.

And just like you, none of them escape the emotions and feelings that are involved in being human.

At times you might feel as though it’s only you that’s experiencing a certain set of feelings, but know that many of those around you have probably experienced them too.

So as you go about your day undulating between waves of highs and lows have grace and patience with all who are around you, because just like you, they’re in the same boat too.