Do you have a role model?

Is there someone that you look up to or try to emulate?

When you’re looking at someone as a role model it’s more than likely you’re admiring the results they’ve created for themselves.

If you ask people about role models many will rattle of names of famous people yet the majority of the best role models will be everyday people that no one has heard of.

Having a role model can be wonderful but it can also be tricky. Once you see someone in a particular light you tend to focus on their one or two outstanding traits that you admire. However, if they falter in other areas of their life it can be disheartening for you.

Modeling another person’s behavior is also extremely complicated and almost impossible because their individual genetic makeup is unique to them. However you can find ways to create similar results in your life by watching them and then leveraging your unique traits to do so.

Choose your role models carefully and don’t forget their journeys are always different than yours. And keep in mind that you too someday might have the responsibility of being a role model for someone else.