What defines us is how well we rise after we fall. Zig Ziglar

Imagine for a moment if a soccer player attempted to score a goal, missed, and then walked off the field.

Sound a little ridiculous?

Because it is.

It’s not what we expect the soccer player or any other athlete to do. We expect the players to push on until the end, even if there’s little to no chance that they’ll win. And once the season is over we expect them to come back and do it all over again the next year.

We expect the companies that we admire to compete quarter after quarter, year after year regardless of the state of the economy.

There’s a deep admiration for the level of persistence and tenacity we have for individuals when they are facing setbacks.

Almost everyone loves the story of the comeback kid, or the underdog. The story of the person that doesn’t quit, regardless of the setbacks they encounter.

What if you could make this your story?

What if you make an agreement with yourself that you too will never give up, regardless of the setbacks you encounter?

This doesn’t mean you stick with failing projects regardless of what happens, or you continue do things that aren’t bringing you fulfillment. What it means is that you develop an inner strength and resilience towards the setbacks you encounter.

You become the comeback kid, the revered underdog of your own story. You learn to pick yourself up, take the time you need to recover from your setback and commit to moving forward again.

Understand that missing goals is part of life; just learn to stay on the field after you do so.

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