Do you remember the last time you felt truly care free?

The last time you woke up and didn’t think about passing grades, fulfilling financial commitments or navigating complicated relationships?

When the morning came and you didn’t even know what day or time it was?

Waking up and falling into the day not knowing or thinking about what would happen next?

The feeling of just being, without a care in the world.

The challenges of everyday life are ever present and always will be, but you don’t have to continuously indulge yourself in a never ending spiral of caring and concerns.

The handful of years where naiveté and innocence, not caring about the ‘real world’ seem to be reserved for only the very young amongst us, but it’s not.

It’s available for everyone.

Even if just for a few brief moments you can re- experience the feeling and the freedom of not having a care in the world.

But you have to learn to be present in a moment.

You have to dedicate a little time to cultivating a practice of not living in the past or future.

To find your care free moments you can choose deep focused breathing, moments of gratitude, meditation or prayer, it’s up to you. Once you find what works for you, relish your moments of bliss, without a care in the world.