When you own or take responsibility for your feelings, you place yourself in a position of power and control.     Julie A. M.A. Ross and Judy Corcoran

It’s available right now.

You might disagree.

And that’s okay, because many others will disagree right along with you.

You’re probably wondering, what’s available now?

So I won’t keep you waiting any longer.

The feeling is available now.

Still a little confused?

Then let me add some clarity.

Any emotion or feeling you’re pursuing is available to you right now.

If you spend just a few moments thinking about it, you’ll realize that everything, yes everything you do, leads back to an emotion. And that emotion already resides within you.

Switching between emotions can be as easy as switching channels on a TV if you allow yourself to do so. If you don’t believe me, you can try it for yourself right now.

Just think of something that you think will make you happy or sad, focus on it for a moment and you’ll find the emotion begin to rise within you. Go ahead, try it.

This ability to change your emotions is one of your superpowers, and you can use it to your advantage whenever you want.

Now you might argue that changing or experiencing emotions without taking physical action is cheating, and it takes some of the spontaneity away from actual experiences, and to some extent you are correct. And I’m not suggesting you stay home and ride an emotional rollercoaster without interacting with physical life experiences.

What I am suggesting is that you do have choices over the emotions you experience. And the times you find yourself mired in an emotion that’s discoloring your day, you have access to an entire palette of other emotions that are also available to you in that very moment.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.