The mind that is anxious about future events is miserable.     Seneca

Which one of these are you going to choose to believe?

Everything you worry about comes true.


Nothing you worry about comes true.

The first one is the rock. It offers you anxiety, stress and tension.

The second one can be your soft place. It offers you comfort, relief and solace.

These might not look like options you have, but they are.

Your default state is probably the first choice because that’s where many are trained to live, but you can choose to retrain yourself.

Some might say that choice number two is too Pollyanna-ish for them. And this might be true, but worry itself has never been proven to actually solve any problems either.

Not worrying is not the same as not acting or not preparing, in fact it could be considered quite the opposite. If it helps you then write down the things you’re worried about, not so that you can focus on them but to get them out of your head.

Carrying around constant anxiety about things that might never occur will eventually become exhausting, and it will take a toll on you and those around you.

So it’s up to you to make a choice between the rock and the soft place.

Neither is right or wrong, but one of them will allow you to enjoy the moments in your life a little more.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.