Circumstances may cause interruptions and delays, but never lose sight of your goal. Mario Andretti

Imagine for a moment that you were going to go on a trip of a lifetime.

Close your eyes for a moment and think about a place you’d like to visit.

Are you ready?

All packed?


Off you go.

But before you know it!

You’re at the airport and your flight is delayed.

What do you do?

Do you?

A. Cry uncontrollably

B. Go back home

C. Wait out the delay and try to make other arrangements

If you picked C or even a combination of A and C, then good for you, however, if you picked B then it probably wasn’t a trip of a lifetime.

Well, I have a little secret for you.

You’re on a trip of a lifetime.

It’s just one long trip with many destinations.

And you’ll experience many delays.

And you’re going to have to make choices quite often whether you go back home, in this case, give up. Or if you’re going to wait out the delays, make other arrangements and continue on.

Sometimes the goals that you’re pursuing are going to take much longer to accomplish than you anticipated, and you will feel disheartened and frustrated by this, but that’s okay. You’re entitled to experience your feelings, even on occasion, and if it suits you, to cry uncontrollably.

Your ambitions and goals are unique to you because you’ve never accomplished them before. And sometimes, in fact, probably more often than not, the time you give yourself to accomplish them will be incorrect. But that’s the nature of unique.

So back to the beginning of this post and instead of a destination, imagine a goal that you’d like to accomplish. If it’s really something you want to accomplish you’ll feel yourself being drawn towards it. Now off you go. And don’t forget, if you experience delays on the way, then you get to pick from A, B, or C.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.