The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Ralph Waldo Emerson

There’s a great way to failure-proof your life.

It takes years to perfect but if you work really hard at it you’ll soon become an expert.

So, are you ready to become an expert in failure proofing?

Are you willing to put in the time?

Are you ready to follow every instruction?

Are you ready to sacrifice your life in order to become failure-proof?

Are you ready to commit?

Don’t read on until you’re really ready to do so.




That’s right.


Don’t move.

Not even a muscle.

Just stay right where you are.

I guarantee you’ll never fail.

Unless of course, you fall over, because then you’ve failed at being still.

Look, the reality is that if you’re human then failure is inevitable. However, the stories you create around failure are up to you.

Tripping and falling while walking is technically failing at walking, but you’d get back up and continue walking and probably wouldn’t think twice about it. That’s because, in your mind, the story you tell yourself about tripping while walking is that it’s just part of the process.

Well, so is failure in other parts of your life.

It’s just part of the process.

So don’t work on failure proofing.

Work on resilience.

Change your perspective of failure and see it as learning, as experience, and not as something that prevents you from trying.

Realize that attempting to failure proof your life is a fool’s errand, and is ultimately impossible.

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