Words are powerful; if you change your words, you can change your life. Joyce Meyer

There are some four-letter words that you should try to remove from your vocabulary.

Which four-letter words?

Well, I’m pretty sure the words I’m writing about are probably not the ones you’re thinking of.

The four-letter words that you should attempt to use less frequently, if ever at all, are – can’t, fear, fail, and the most insidious and in my opinion dangerous, is the word busy.

Instead of can’t, learn to say that you choose not to. Since choosing not to is more about you making a decision, whereas can’t defines more of your ability to do something.

Fear can be a challenging one since you might indeed be predisposed to certain fears, but still, don’t let fear rule you. Eliminating, or limiting the use of the word fear will allow you to access more opportunities.

As you go through life you’ll come to realize that the word fail is actually not real. Yes, you can fail tests and other ways that people or institutions attempt to judge your ability, but the reality is that you, as an individual will always learn from failing.

The last word busy is what I believe to be the most insidious. It begins to creep into your vocabulary at a young age because you begin to hear adults around you using it. And because you’re young, you’re too inexperienced or naïve to really know whether they are busy or not.

As you get older, the word busy becomes your crutch. You begin to think you’re busy all the time and so you can no longer find time for yourself and ultimately all the dreams and hopes you once had for yourself. And yet you see others around you accomplishing things that you once had your eyes set on, but in your mind, you’re now too busy to do so.

It’s time for you to stop being busy, and start being intentional about your actions.

I can with strong conviction guarantee that eliminating or at least reducing the use of these four-letter words will change your life forever.

Give it a try.

What do you have to lose?

Oh, and those other four-letter words you thought of earlier. You can keep using those, just not too often or out loud.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.