Find your happiness in yourself. Albert Camus


What happens when the thing that makes you happy today, no longer makes you happy tomorrow?

That once you grasp the object you desire, your desire for the object and the happiness it brought you, both disappear.

It’s been said that ‘happiness is fleeting,’ and if your happiness is tied to external factors then it’s almost guaranteed to be short-lived. You’ll begin to experience bubble gum happiness, the moment the flavor is gone, your happiness is over.

When your happiness is dependent on the things and people around you, you’re assuming you’ll be the same person forever. But soon you’ll realize that with time, you change, and that’s why the things and people that once brought you happiness, no longer do so.

So what’s the answer?

Well, you’ve probably heard it many times before, but since I have your attention, I’m going to take the liberty to re-iterate what you probably already know.

Try your best not to attach your happiness to the things you can’t control.

Yes, people and things both fall in the category of things you can’t control. I know this is not as simple as it sounds, but with practice, it’s close to being achievable.

If you choose to no longer attach your happiness to external factors then there’s going to have to be some unlearning on your behalf. You’re going to have to unlearn the messages you’ve been exposed to your entire life, showing and telling you how happy you’ll be if you just meet the right people, get the right job, or acquire the right things. Unfortunately, you’ve been misled.

You can still have all the things and people in your life, but if its happiness you’re after, then again, cliché, but true, ‘happiness is an inside job.’ It’s an emotion that you decide you’re going to experience and feel regardless of what you have or don’t have. Ultimately the choice is yours.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.