Faith, it does not make things easy, it makes them possible Luke 1:37

How much faith do you have in yourself?

Do you have a degree of faith, or do you fully believe that you can accomplish the things you set your mind to?

Is it possible to have faith and doubt yourself at the same time?

Doubt will cause you to have trepidation and soon enough it will manifest itself into fear. And if you’re not careful, your fear will paralyze you and prevent you from moving forward.

Just imagine if a tightrope walker had doubt, even for just one moment? Think about how much faith and self-belief they have to apply in every step they take.

Can you apply the same amount of faith in every step you take?

Now don’t confuse taking a step with getting things right. Many a tightrope walker has experienced a fall even with all the belief in the world.

Having faith does not prevent you from making a mistake or getting things wrong. But it does allow you to move forward with a degree of confidence. And that confidence can help still your mind and your hand as you take on any new endeavor.

So how do you build faith in yourself?

One of the simplest ways is to think about your past accomplishments. Remember that those too were once hurdles you had to overcome, and you were able to do so. You can begin to stack your accomplishments to build your self-confidence and ultimately strengthen your faith in yourself.

Having faith doesn’t eliminate doubt, it will always be lurking, just looking for an opportunity to show itself. Having faith just quiets doubt long enough for you to take the next step. Both doubt and faith are rooted in your thoughts which then become feelings. Ultimately you have to choose which one you give life to.

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