Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power. Lao Tzu

Every a few years you’ll see individual proudly displaying I Voted stickers on their lapels. They’re excited to show that they’ve performed their civic duties by casting their vote for an individual that they deem worthy enough to represent their best interests, an individual that’s closely aligned to their way of thinking.

As you might already know, voting doesn’t only happen at the local, state and federal levels. It also occurs in organizations, schools and, just in case you haven’t realized, it also happens at a personal level.

Now you might be thinking, personal level?

Yes, at a personal level.

You see, when you vote for someone, by pulling a lever, pushing a button, or filling out a ballot, you’re taking an action with the hope that somehow, your life will improve. If this was not the case, then not only you, but no one would vote.

Think about that for a moment?

How does this apply to you at a personal level?

Well, I’m glad you asked.

You see, you’re voting every day. Through your thoughts and actions, you’re voting for the kind of person you want to represent you.

Yes, you’re voting for yourself.

You’re voting for yourself with the hope that you will improve your own life. But at times you forget this is true, and just like in an election, you kind of hope someone else will do it for you. Unfortunately, that rarely happens.

You’ve already been elected to represent yourself. How you choose to think and act are the votes you’ll cast on a consistent basis that will ultimately determine how you govern yourself. Vote wisely.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.