“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. John Donne

What is your definition of independence?

Is there any such thing as real independence?

The dictionary definition of independence is -freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like of others.

In my opinion, if you agree with the definition, then there really is no such thing as independence.

Perhaps there is some truth to freedom from control, but the control doesn’t often disappear; it just moves from one controlling entity to another.

And as far as influence and support, well, we’re all being influenced and supported to some degree by our environment.

Maybe we should pronounce the word differently, perhaps a little slower.

How about in-dependence?

The reality is that we are all in dependence of something.

So, instead of feeling as though we as individuals can survive without all that is around us because we feel that we are independent – we learn to love and respect all because we understand that we are, in fact, in dependence on everything and everyone around us.

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