A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence. David Hume

If you’d like to have some fun with yourself, then identify a belief that you have and ask yourself this question.

How do I know this is true?

If you’re intellectually honest with yourself then you’ll find yourself going down a mental rabbit hole only to find that rarely do you really know what is true or not.

You’ll soon find that the evidence or information you’ve accumulated that supports your belief has actually been hearsay all along. But because you received the information from sources that represented authority, you believed them to be true and did not question them.

I mentioned fun earlier, but asking yourself if what you believe is really true can actually be both dangerous and liberating.

It can be dangerous because once you ask the question and journey down the hole to find the answers; you might find that your beliefs have been perched upon wobbly stilts instead of a firm foundation that you trusted in. And as you dig deeper the stilts begin to evaporate and now you have to decide whether or not you continue to hold on to your belief or you release your grasp and let it slip away. And this is when it can be liberating.

If you’ve been holding on to a belief that’s been holding you back in any way, then here’s the opportunity to let it go. Since you’ve now traveled down the hole and cannot find answers that justify or support your belief, you can now let it go.

Changing your beliefs can be a risky proposition because they are tied intricately to your identity, so removing one can be painful and feel like a physical wound. But over time the wound will heal. And freeing yourself from any beliefs that have been holding you back or have been detrimental to your growth might just be worth the pain.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.