May you find inspiration in the big picture, but may you find love in the details. Adrienne Maloof

How often do you make time to zoom out and take a broader view of your life?

If you’re like most people then you’re probably so caught up in your daily activities that you’re unaware you’re experiencing a myopic view of life.

The problem with being so zoomed in on your day to day activities is that it’s easy to lose track of the bigger picture of your life. And as time goes by you run the risk of one day realizing your life is nothing like you thought it would be.

Making time to step back and identify things that you want to accomplish might seem like a waste of time, but if you don’t get in the habit of doing so, you’ll never fully experience all the opportunities available to you.

Just as a photographer changes the aperture on their cameras to zoom in and out on the photos they take, and map makers provide both high level and detailed maps, you too should do the same for your life.

Think of zooming out on your life as high-level strategic planning. Imagine how you want your life to look a few years from today and mark out a few waypoints that you think will let you know whether you’re on track or not. This exercise shouldn’t take much time at all. And once you’re done, you can zoom back into your daily activities.

Now, this is when you’ll begin to experience the magic if zooming out.

In the back of your mind, you’ll begin to very quietly question your daily activities. And if they’re not aligned with the waypoints you’ve set for yourself you’ll begin to experience discomfort, because you’re daily actions and long term goals will be misaligned.

The choice to pursue your goals is up to you. I’m just giving you a tool should you decide to do so.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.