Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt

One brush.

One color.

One pen.

One sheet of paper.

What can you produce with just your mind and a limited set of tools?

Art – Da Vinci’s famous Vitruvian man created with a limited set of tools.

Books – The Bible, Gita, Quran, and Torah have influenced billions of people, and all were created with a limited set of tools.

Buildings – The Pyramids and the Taj Mahal have stood the test of time and were created with a limited set of tools.

Better tools or more tools are very often not the answer.

In fact, the idea that you need better tools is usually either a form of procrastination or an excuse for not starting.

And, once you begin with what you have you will eventually learn what more you might need, but very rarely will more sophisticated tools help you get started.

So get started with as little as possible and remember your imagination is unlimited so don’t let a limited amount of tools hold you back.

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