“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”  ― Maya Angelou

Where on the curve are you?

What curve?

The Bell Curve.

What’s the Bell Curve?

Glad you asked.

The term “bell curve” originates from the fact that the graph used to depict a normal distribution consists of a bell-shaped line.

Fascinating right?

Just kidding. It’s probably one of the least interesting things you’ll read today.

But do me a favor and go back and read it one more time.

Did you see the words “normal distribution?”

That’s the most important part of the definition.

You see, as long as you stay in your lane and do everything you’re told to do and don’t’ ask any questions you will fit perfectly within the normal distribution. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

But, almost everyone you admire, follow, and see that are making changes to society in any way do not fit under the normal distribution of the curve. They are as defined by the author Malcolm Gladwell as people who do not fit into our normal understanding of achievement; they are those who operate at the extreme outer edge of what is statistically plausible.

At the outer edge of what is statistically plausible. Now isn’t that interesting?

Being at the edge of the curve, better known as an outlier is risky and does not guarantee any rewards, but being in the middle of the curve comes with its own set of risks and doesn’t guarantee any rewards either, except perhaps the psychological mirage of safety.

Where you choose to live on the curve is entirely up to you, but be very aware that rarely does anything great or groundbreaking happen in the center of the curve, for that you need to move towards the edges. And as you move towards the edges you’re going to have to risk emotional, reputational and in some cases even physical security.

Is it worth the risk to be an outlier?

That’s a question you have to answer for yourself.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.