“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Who paved the way for you?

Which brave souls set out in to the world, sometimes by choice and at other times, victims of their own circumstances, to create all that you see around you today?

You’ll never know.

Yes, your point of reference might be your parents, or other ancestors that you can trace, but there were others. Others that perhaps your ancestors leaned on, or even followed, that eventually led you to be where you are today.

All that came before you were pioneers in their own way. Some left greater marks on the world than others, but all of them, if the given the opportunity, would share their stories of trials and tribulations that they had to endure in order for you to be here today.

So now I ask you?

Who will you be a pioneer for?

The truth is that you’ll probably never be able to really know the real impact you’ll have on any one person’s life. But as you move forward in your own daily endeavors, realize that everything you do does and will have a future consequence. You too in your own way are a pioneer.

So today, take a minute to be grateful for all those that came before you, irrespective of whether you think you know them or not. And then set out on your day, doing things and taking actions, while all along knowing that, whether you’re remembered or not, you are a pioneer and will be impacting those that will live on after you.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.