“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” ― Aristotle

You connect with family.

You connect with friends.

You connect with co-workers.

You connect with your devices.

But, how often to do you set aside time to connect with yourself?

How often do you sync up with your own thoughts?

At first, it might seem odd, or you might feel like spending time getting to know yourself is a waste of time. But setting aside time for introspection is probably one of the most important things you can do for yourself.

And if doing something for yourself doesn’t motivate you, then I can almost guarantee you that setting aside time to know yourself will improve with how you connect with others. So they’ll benefit from you spending time with yourself.

Consider a little time spent reconnecting with yourself as an investment in the future you. And like most investments, you don’t see the returns right away. But over time you begin to gain the benefit of compounding.

Also, think about this, if you’re not willing to invest time in yourself, how can you expect others to invest in you?

Look, the reality is that spending time connecting with yourself is not mandatory, and you can go through life just fine without doing so.

But, what if knowing who you really are could give you just a little added advantage in life?

Isn’t that worth exploring?

Ultimately the decision of spending time connecting with yourself is obviously up to you. I hope you think and believe you’re worth the investment.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.