If prayer is you talking to God, then intuition God talking to you. Wayne Dyer

How do you feel right now?

How do you know how you feel?

How often do you pay attention to how you feel?

It’s very easy to lose touch with yourself, especially if you’re always busy or distracted. If you’re constantly on the go and only paying attention to what’s going on externally, then soon enough you begin to lose track and touch with all the signals your body is sending you.

You have powerful tools like instinct and intuition that are both very powerful sensors built right into your body. If you pay attention and learn to use them, they can become excellent allies. But you have to pay attention.

You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘sixth sense,’ well; instinct and intuition combined are your sixth sense.

This sixth sense you have has also been called a ‘gut feeling, hunches, or your inner voice.’ Your sixth sense is sending you messages all the time; you just have to learn to listen to it.

You might have already experienced times when you’ve followed or ignored messages your sixth sense sent you, and either benefited or regretted it later.

Learning to trust your sixth sense might sound a little silly or make you feel nervous at first, but once you really tune into the signals your body is sending you, you’ll find that it’s rarely leading you in the wrong direction.

How do you tune into your sixth sense?

Well, you begin to listen and pay attention. And when you do, you’ll start to hear and feel your body’s signals. And then, probably the most important step is that you learn to trust the signals it’s sending you. Once you do, you can start testing the results of your actions. After some practice, you’ll begin to experience the magic that is your sixth sense.

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