The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.     John Powell

What teachable moments will you experience today?

Teachable moments are usually unplanned opportunities that arise in classrooms where a teacher has a chance to offer insight to his or her students. Teachable moments are not something that are planned for; rather, they are fleeting opportunities that must be sensed and seized by the teacher.

Whether you’re in a formal educational setting or just going through life, you too have the benefit and or opportunity to learn from unplanned teachable moments. And teachable moments come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, for most of us they come in the form of a mistake.

It’s been said that life is all about learning from your mistakes, or if you’re fortunate or smart enough, then learning from the mistakes of others. But you’ve only really learned a lesson from a mistake if you’ve taken the time to make it a teachable moment and don’t make the same mistake again.

You’ll find that the number of teachable moments or mistakes you make might correlate to the number of new and or interesting things you attempt to do. For example, although I’m not an expert in rocks, I doubt rocks have many teachable moments. But if you study or watch animals then you’ll see that they experience adversity, and within the adversity are teachable moments. And all we are, are slightly more evolved animals.

So, as you go through your day today, I hope you take the perspective of seeing your mistakes as teachable moments and learn from the adversity you encounter. And if you go through your day and find that you didn’t make any mistakes, or face any adversity, you might just want to look in the mirror to make sure that you haven’t turned in to a rock.

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