With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now. Ralph Waldo Emerson

How does it feel to be a time traveler?

It must be quite exhausting always living in the past or the future, never quite just existing in the present.

Even right now.

Are you really here reading this, or do you have one eye towards what you need to do next?

Constantly swinging between what’s happened and what’s next doesn’t allow you to truly experience and enjoy what’s now. And now is all you really have.

Time traveling can be fun and even beneficial because you can reminisce and learn from your past, and dream and plan for your future. But then there’s also a downside. There’s the rumination and about what you could have done differently, and the anxiety and worrying about the future.

Making the occasional opportunity to plant your feet and mind firmly in the now, even for just a few moments can provide you with a temporary reprieve from the constant vacillation between past and future. And perhaps even help you establish a strong foundation upon which you can then build your future.

Ultimately we are all time travelers. Our present science tells us that only the animals have been given the gift of truly living in the present. While we as humans experience the anguish and joy of living both in the past and future. But we’ve also been given immense power, should we choose to use it. The power to take control of our minds, even if just for a few moments, to stop time traveling and to appreciate,  to enjoy, to steep ourselves in this moment, right now.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.