As you think, so shall you become. Bruce Lee

What kind of person are you?

I’m not referring to your age, blood type, gender, what you do for a living or any other such description. But if you’re confused then let me rephrase the question.

What kind of person do you think you are?

Still a little stuck?

Ok. Then finish this sentence.

I’m the kind of person that is…

Now use whatever adjectives you want and describe yourself.

Are you playing along?

I hope so, because this little exercise might just change your life.

You see, the words you use to describe yourself will begin to determine many of your outcomes in life. Since this might sound a little vague, I’ll give you a more solid example.

If you heard someone say this phrase, ‘I’m the kind of person that’s healthy.’ How would you expect to see that person behaving? You might see them make wise choices regarding food, or perhaps engage in an exercise program, or any other number of things that would align with their image of personal health.

When you set goals or desire particular outcomes in life it’s easy to get derailed because of the amount of effort it takes to stay focused and on track. But if you begin to align your identity with the outcome you’re seeking then it helps remove some of the will power required to achieve a goal. Think of your personal statement of, ‘I’m the kind of person that,’ as checkpoint on a journey. Every so often when you veer of course you can use your personal statement as way to get back on track.

Try it today. If you have a life goal or something else you want to accomplish, then create a statement for yourself describing the kind of person you would have to be in order to achieve it. Now use this phrase daily to remind you of the person you have to be in order to get there.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.