There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself. Henry David Thoreau

You Make Me So

You make me so happy.

You make me smile from ear to ear.

You also make me sad.

In fact, you make me feel all sorts of emotions.

How does it feel to be responsible for my emotions?

Do you enjoy carrying the burden of knowing that you can’t be fully you because you have to be responsible for my emotions?

Yes, I know they’re my emotions, but I’ve decided to make you responsible for them.


Because it makes life easier for me.

Oh, and you do the same to me too. And I’m assuming it’s because it makes life easier for you too.

At some point during our evolutionary journey, we for the most part, collectively decided that we would no longer be responsible for our own emotions, and decided to give control of our emotions to circumstances and people outside of us.

Well, maybe it’s time to claim them back.

Maybe next time, it’s not you make me happy or sad. It’s, I feel a certain way when I see you regardless of what you do. Because now I’m responsible for how I feel about you.

Instead of letting your emotions get constantly tugged around like a loose kite in a storm, begin to take control of them. Realize that every emotion you feel is based on a narrative you’re giving to a situation. When you say, you make me happy, it’s because you’ve told yourself a happy story about a person. That’s why that same person can make you feel sad too.

Just in case you’re still having a hard time believing that it’s not the circumstance or person causing your emotions then let me ask you this. Have you ever looked at a photograph or watched a movie and experienced an emotion? Logically you know that both are inanimate two-dimensional objects. Then what caused you to have an emotion? The story you told yourself about the object.

Look, I’m not suggesting you be unemotional. All I’m saying is that try not to let other people and circumstances control your emotions.

Here, let’s practice.

Instead of saying, you make me so…

Say, I make me so…

Give it a try. If it doesn’t work for you, you can you always go back to giving away control of your emotions to circumstances and people around you.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.