The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size. Albert Einstein

What would your day look like if you agreed with everyone you interacted with?

If just for one day, all you said was, you’re right, or that’s a great idea.

And you did this by not just paying lip service but really taking the time to see the world through another person’s eyes.

I hope it’s apparent that I’m not recommending you make a drastic life-altering decision by unquestioningly agreeing with everyone you meet. What I am suggesting is being open-minded to alternative perspectives, even if just for one day.

Even if you decide not to agree, being open will give you a deeper understanding of how people around you think and what is important to them.

If you find just the thought of spending a day agreeing with others a little offensive, then that says a lot about you and perhaps even how people feel about you.

Try agreeing with people, even if not for a whole day. Look at it this way: you can always go back tomorrow and say that you gave it more thought, and if it gives you pleasure, then tell them you think they were wrong.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.