Incremental change is better than ambitious failure. . . .Success feeds on itself. Tal Ben-Shahar

What if you could use a technique from nature to create change in your own life?

Well, maybe you can.

Nature has many ways of creating change in the environment, one of which is erosion. The amazing thing about erosion is that you rarely actually see it taking place. What you do eventually see are the results.

Whether it’s the wind blowing soil or waves of water gently lapping at the shorelines, it all takes place so slowly that the immediate effect is almost negligible. But over time, erosion can change the entire landscape.

You can mimic nature to create incredible change in your life too. Instead of aiming for huge lofty goals that might intimidate you, or cause too much shock to your system, you can work towards super small incremental change.

I’m not attempting to dissuade you from pursuing big life-changing ideas or goals, what I am suggesting is that once you’ve decided on your big idea, then use micro activities to get you there. Think of these micro activities as small dreams, or tiny habits, that you can use to work your way towards your bigger goal.

If we stick with the theme of nature for a moment you’ll see that whenever nature makes drastic changes to the environment such as earthquakes or tornadoes, it causes a huge shock to the overall system, and the same is true for you too. If you make a change that’s too big all at once then you’re likely to cause a shock to your system too. And unlike nature, you might not be able to handle it, so you’ll revert back to your old safer ways.

The next time you decide to create a big change in your life, instead of going all in and attempting to brute force your way to your goal. Take a page from nature’s playbook. Use tiny, consistent, negligible, incremental steps and like nature be patient. You won’t see results right away, but like erosion, you’ll eventually see the change you’re looking for.

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