“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” ― Jim Rohn

Today try something different.

During your conversations instead of saying but or no, play the Yes And game.

Here’s the key. Don’t tell the person you’re speaking with that you’re playing the game. Just see where the conversation leads you.

‘Yes And’ is a popular tool used by actors during improv. Yes, And is very simple. In an improv situation, actors are required to accept their fellow actors’ ideas and build on them.

Yes And allows for creative cooperation. It moves you to receive another person’s idea and add to it rather and rejecting it. Very often during conversations you’ll find the instinctive ‘but’ or ‘no’ will shut down a person’s willingness to share their feelings or opinions, and this often prevents true connection with the individual.

Yes And, can also help you personally be more creative not only during conversations but also in life. One of the biggest struggles individuals face is that they disagree with their current reality. They fight against what is, which, if you really think about it, doesn’t make any sense.

If you find yourself disagreeing with reality, then perhaps you should try Yes And. The thought process goes like this. ‘Yes,’ this is how things are up to this point, ‘And’ this is how it could be different from this point on. The ‘And’ allows you to explore opportunities for change.

So whether it’s during conversations with other people or how you’re looking at your own life, keep the ‘Yes And’ in your personal toolbox. Use it to move conversations forward for deeper connection, and to discover possibilities for yourself.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.